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Showing Category: Milking

In-line Milk Lab

How to monitor energy balance using in-line milk testing

The physiological condition of any animal is reflected in the components of its body fluids, such as milk in a dairy cow. Using an optic sensor, we can measure milk composition (fat, protein, lactose and blood) for each cow during every milking.

Afimilk Projects

Afimilk Projects has vast worldwide expertise in setting up dairy farming projects from large-scale operations to small farms.

Afimilk MPC

Get full control over milking process at every milking point – for healthier udders.

Employing AfiLab™ for commercialized real time, on-line milk separation according to its clotting properties


Where the milk starts talking.
Integrated milking point analysis and control.

Afimilk needs & solutions

We are here to provide diary producers with the technology and knowledge to profitably produce high quality milk.

mastitis detection

Using conductivity for early mastitis detection

Early detection of mastitis is considered the best option to allow cows a quick recovery. Mastitis detection by seeing clinical signs, may prove challenging in large farms with high throughput or in cases of subclinical mastitis that doesn’t show clinical signs yet. New technologies automatically detect mastitis, before the cows show clinical signs.

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